About Us

We've always been such great friends! That's a key ingredient in the glue that holds us together. Another is faith. Still another is laughter. And we keep adding to our pot to make whatever it is we've been cooking that tastes O SO GOOD (yes, we use glue in our stew)!

As you listen to our conversations (which may or may not have happened), we hope you'll be inspired to pursue beautiful imperfect journeys of your own.

We love being married and we love doing life together. Sometimes that comes with belly-aching laughter. Other times, it comes with tears. But each time - there's a whole lot of weirdness man (see glue stew for reference).

Does the fact that one of us is a therapist and the other a scientist transitioning to cyber security make our marriage easier? Does it ever get in the way? Is our home a lab for psych evaluations? What have we learnt so far?


So yep! We'd like to talk about that - among other things.

All of this disjointed jabber just to say - welcome friend. We hope you know what you've gotten yourself into!


Carlyle & Kerese  

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